Tuesday, November 6

TAG: Would you RATHER... .. .?

QUOTE of the DAY:

1. Would you RATHER go out with messy hair & nice makeup OR nice hair & no makeup?

~  messy hair & nice makeup! A lot of times I am wearing a messy bun or not combed hair, I think it has character, I even would say it looks cute - just pin a bow in or put a head band on!

2. Would you RATHER shave your eyebrowes OR have your eyelashes fall out?

~ jeeez! who thought of those questions? I probably go with shaved eyebrows cause you can color them on - or is it easier to put on fake eyelashes? naaah I stay with the shaved brows.

3. Would you RATHER be forced to shop at only MAC OR SEPHORA for the rest of your life?

~ SEPHORA ... it's cheaper and they have more varity! (I love Urban Decay)

4. Would you RATHER wear lipgloss/ lipliner look OR a 80's perm?

~ who would chose an 80's perm? I go with lipgloss, cause I wear it already.

5. Would you RATHER leave the house with an obvious foundation line OR overdone blush?

~ overdone blush. (I'm barely wearing foundation anyways.)

6. Would you RATHER wear MC Hammer pants OR biker shorts in public?

~ ooookay. that's tricky. I would wear the MC Hammer pants if they all black (but I guess they not suppose to) and the biker short - maybe with a long shirt OR very short dress...

7. Would you RATHER have a bad orange spary tan OR really bad tan lines that can't be covered?

~ tan lines

8. Would you RATHER have a bad haircut OR a bad hair color?

~ bad hair cut - cause hair grows

9. Would you RATHER have YOUTUBE OR twitter taken away from you forever?

~ easy: twitter. I loooove YOUTUBE and I don't have twitter.

10. Would you RATHER give up using makeup brushes OR mascara?

~ that's tough. I would say neither but if I really had to decide I would say macara. Because I could still curl my lashes with a lash curler and wear false lashes on top.
But for appling makeup it's crucial not to have any brushes to blend your product onto your skin.

1 comment:

Marielle said...

1. nice hair&no make up
2. shave eyebrowes
3. ???
4. lipgloss/lipliner look
5. overdone blush
6. ???
7. farmers tan ;)
8. bad haircut, so i can wear hats
9. twitter away - Youtube forever!
10.make-up brushes